Children of Men

Even if Children of Men had been worthless, it would still make the #1 slot by virtue of being the first film I’ve seen in 2007. Fortunately, it is a work of art.

Absolutely devastating, at once horrific and beautiful. One of the most frightening movies I have seen in quite a while. We absolutely cannot let the world get anywhere close to the one in this movie.

At the very least, this is the Oscar for best cinematography. There is a single take that is one of the most astonishing things I’ve ever seen on film. It goes on forever, impossibly choreographed, flawlessly executed.

1. Children of Men

5 Comments on "Children of Men"

  1. Jeff says:

    I’m really excited about this movie, and I’ve only learned of its existence a week or so ago. Clive Owen is a great actor — I’ve been a fan of his ever since seeing (and playing as him) in Privateer 2.

    I’ll definitely have to check this movie out!

  2. Drey says:

    He was in Privateer 2? No way! Yes, Owen has become one of my favorite actors in the last few years. He was great in Sin City, but Inside Man sealed the deal.

  3. monica says:

    I just saw this on Friday. And may I say, I adored the film. Very dark, but a great realistic type sci-fi. Can’t wait to see what awards it might win.

  4. Ryan says:

    This film is my #1 so far — it far outstripped “Pan’s Labyrinth”, which I expected to be the winner hands down. The whole ending sequence in the refugee camp… that was harrowing and moving all at once. And yet the most horrific thing is that that refugee camp is not an unfamiliar experience for a significant chunk of the world *right now*.

  5. Drey says:

    One thing that struck me about the film was how real it felt, like it was more of a documentary. It didn’t seem like they built any sets or cast any extras; they just went on location.

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